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Welcome to Cultural Wellness Training Programs

We’re working to empower America’s health and wellness transformation by equipping health, public health and mental health providers and practitioners with training and tools to serve their communities, eliminate barriers to care, and improve health outcomes and opportunities for optimal health and wellness. Scroll below to learn more about our program. 

How It Works

Step 1: Select Your Learning Style

Cultural Wellness Trainings are provided 24/7 on-demand in the Online Training Portal, or by our Cultural Wellness Training Instructors in-person or live online at conferences, agencies and events.  

Step 2: Get Your Certificate

Complete the Evaluation at the end of each course, and receive your Certificate of Completion. (We hope to provide CEU’s in the future as well.)

Step 3: Making Positive Changes

Start increasing access to care and improving health outcomes for your clients and communities today!

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What is Cultural Wellness?

Cultural Wellness is a set of frameworks and techniques that equip providers and practitioners to empower their clients and patients to reach their own unique optimal health and wellness by:

  • Viewing each person as a whole, unique individual;
  • Being aware of and respecting the unique cultural backgrounds and identities of clients and patients, and meeting clients and communities where they are;
  • Utilizing marketing, outreach strategies and messaging that clients and communities can understand and relate to based on their own unique cultural values and backgrounds; and
  • Improving and building genuine and authentic relationships.

What Makes Cultural Wellness Training Unique?

  • Community and Provider Led: Cultural Wellness Training Programs are designed and developed by dedicated people who have both professional and lived experiences in the topics they cover. Our instructors know how systems work and the real-world impact of systems on people.
  • Accessibility Matters: We know providers and practitioners are busy serving their clients and communities, and that each person has unique learning needs. We provide in-person training, live online training, and fixed content trainings so that providers and practitioners and agencies can get the training format that works best for them. 
  • Training for Change: Our trainings are designed to equip providers, practitioners and decision-makers with training and techniques that result in real world change to reduce barriers to care and increase health outcomes. We’re diligent about following up with evaluation tools and our Certificate of Completion program to help measure our impact on providers and the communities they serve. 
  • Your Voice Matters, too! We take input and feedback on our training programs to heart. 

Our Programming Mission & Goals

I Am Well Foundation is a national 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering all people to identify, achieve and maintain their own unique optimal health and wellness. Together with Julissa Soto Latino Health Equity Consulting, All People Thriving and additional partners, we’ve developed Cultural Wellness Training Programs to equip providers, practitioners and agencies with the tools they need to bring this vision to life. Our mission is to enable providers and practitioners to empower their clients to reach their own unique optimal health and wellness by respecting and valuing what makes each person unique.

  • Goal 1: Starting in Colorado, providers and practitioners throughout the United States are equipped with training and techniques to eliminate barriers to care and improve health outcomes. 
  • Goal 2: Providers and practitioners are able to demonstrate their knowledge of the content and intention to integrate new knowledge and tools into their practices and agencies.
  • Goal 3: People and populations have increased health outcomes because providers do or plan to implement lessons learned. 

Who Are Cultural Wellness Trainings Are Designed For?

  • I Am Well Foundation Provider Partners and Practitioners
  • Health and wellness providers and practitioners in Colorado and throughout the United States;
  • Public health officials, policy-makers and community engagement workers;
  • Mental health and social service workers;
  • Policymakers, funders and health equity advocates and professionals; and
  • Learners interested in eliminating disparities, reducing barriers to care, improving health outcomes, and empowering clients and patients to identify, achieve and maintain their own unique optimal health and wellness.

Our Cultural Wellness Training Program Partners