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The purpose of the immune and lymphatic system is to prevent or limit infection in the body by responding to changes in the cells. The immune system has the unique ability to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy cells, and when potentially harmful items enter the body, such as viruses or bacteria, the immune system responds to the cells that have been infected usually by removing or destroying them. The immune system includes various parts of the body, including lymph nodes, spleen, blood stream, skin and bone marrow.  

Signs of Optimal Health & Wellness

A thriving immune system keeps the body healthy and free from diseases caused by external influences:

  • High resistance to and low incidents of colds, flus, and other viruses and bacterial infections
  • Optimal respiratory, digestive and cardio health

Warning Signs

When the immune system is underreacting or overreacting, it can cause severe sickness within the body, and even death.

  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Frequent allergic reactions
  • Frequent infections
  • Frequent viral or bacterial illnesses
  • Frequent rashes
  • Frequent issues with lungs, ears and sinuses
  • Frequent inflammation and digestive issues
  • Contraction of HIV/AIDS or other auto-immune diseases


A healthy diet with complete vitamins and nutrients, proper sleep each day, regular exercise, and plenty of water are crucial for a high and well-functioning immune system. Activities such as yoga and aerobics can specifically help to improve immune system health by engaging the blood stream, respiratory and other systems needed for increased immune health. Immune system boosters, vitamin C, dry brushing and lymph scaling can improve immune system responses. In addition, ions baths, supplements, essential oils, aroma therapy, and an increase in certain vitamins and minerals may also improve immune system functioning. PreP and Truvada can help prevent HIV/AIDS, and other vaccines recommended by the FDA can help ensure chronic and deathly illnesses, such as Hepatitis, HPV, Small Pox, and others are prevented as well.





Intervention should be sought when immune responses include a prolonged high fever, any difficulty breathing, unhealing broken skin, discolored or “road mapping” skin, discharge from or growths on sexual organs, severe abdominal pain, continuous fatigue, and/or prolonged or increased allergies. Chronic illnesses, such as Cancer, HIV/AIDS, meningitis and other auto-immune disorders also require immediate intervention. When these symptoms are present, it’s time to see a medical professional. Prevention and promotion of immune health include:




If you have any severe abdominal pain, prolonged high fever, chronic fatigue and/or difficulty breathing:

  • Dial 911; or
  • Go the nearest hospital emergency room