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Justice means to “return to whole” and honors the dignity and worth of all human beings. Fairness means that each one receives their share, or what is owed to them in some way or for some reason. For human beings, knowing there is the ability for justice to be achieved and that the systems they interact with are fair is essential to feeling safe and secure in their own environments. Those who experience a sense of justice and fairness, tend to also promote justice and fairness for others. Those who experience massive degrees of injustice and unfairness, may tend to believe injustice and unfairness are okay for others, too. This is why it’s important to ensure justice and fairness are ingrained in one’s environment. 


Signs of Optimal Health & Wellness

Indicators of thriving include:

  • A feeling that social and environmental systems (law, natural environment, etc.) have the ability to honor the dignity and worth of all human beings
  • Knowledge that all people make mistakes and can continue to learn and grow from them, especially if provided with the proper support
  • Feeling grounded in the knowledge you can make change if systems are unjust or unfair
  • Commitment to taking time to objectively evaluate scenarios, regardless of propaganda, including requesting more information
  • Being responsive (i.e. taking appropriate and well-thought-out action to achieve justice and fairness) rather than reactive
  • Emotional competence
  • Ability to feel, acknowledge and express emotions
  • Ability to plan for the future, develop goals, and look beyond obstacles as needed
  • Ability to stay resilient and resourceful, even when obstacles are presented

Warning Signs

Indicators of warning include:

  • High sense of fear, stress, anxiety or depression
  • A persistent belief that injustice or unfairness is “just the way it is” or there is “nothing I can do”
  • A persistent belief that some people are “just bad”, or not worthy of self-growth, dignity or respect
  • A feeling that “Other people get away with things, so I should, too”
  • A feeling that revenge is the same as justice
  • Confusion between “justice” and “punishment”
  • Persistent loneliness, combined with persistent unhealthy habits
  • Low self-confidence, fear of the future, an inability to see past current situation
  • Inability to take positive actions for change
  • Increase in addictions
  • Engagement in criminal activity
  • Desire to control the thoughts or behaviors of others 
  • Suicidal thoughts and tendencies 


Justice and fairness are essential to human thriving. They allow people to live free and feel safe while doing so. Many systems in the United States have evolved to be more just and fairer. However, it’s important to acknowledge injustices and unfair systems still exist. In this regard, a sense of justice can be achieved internally by working to correct injustices and unfairness. Ask yourself: What can I do about this situation? Is there someone I can call? Is there a policy I can propose? Is there an advocacy group I can join or start? Being an active participant in correcting injustices helps to create a sense of fairness and injustice and can positively impact your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. 




  • Identify issues that are most important to you and determine the best approach for you to make change. For example, writing a letter to an elected representative, joining a protest march, or making a donation to a group you care about. 


Taking on injustices can be overwhelming or scary. Sometimes a person also feels “stuck” or unsure of what they can do. In these cases, it might be time to get support.




If you have experienced violence, been a victim of a crime, or have active thoughts or intentions of harming yourself or others: 

  • Dial 911; or
  • Go the nearest hospital emergency room