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Occupational fulfillment refers to having a positive sense of our contributions to others or the world around us. For many people, this includes employment or participating in community groups or projects. As human beings, it’s important that we feel our contributions are in line with our own beliefs, boundaries and values, and are also valued and appreciated by others. 


Signs of Optimal Health & Wellness

Indicators of thriving include: 

  • Feeling valued and appreciated
  • Feeling like your actions have a positive impact for others in some way
  • Feeling energized when doing work or chores
  • Feeling a sense of connectedness to co-workers, customers or team members
  • An openness to learn new things and accept new challenges
  • Continuous opportunities for self-learning and growth
  • Knowing that your contributions are in line with your own beliefs, values and boundaries
  • Ability to express yourself, your needs, and manage any conflicts
  • Willingness to be a team player

Warning Signs

Indicators of warning or decline:

  • Feeling unappreciated, or that contributions aren’t acknowledged
  • Emotional distress resulting in crying, anxiety, or not wanting to go to work or participate in the activity
  • Poor quality of outcomes or not caring about the outcomes
  • Expressing self by breaking rules, laws or social norms
  • Increased mistakes or errors
  • Feeling “burnt out”
  • Inability to resolve conflicts or make changes in healthy ways


For many people, employment and participating in community groups or projects occupy a considerable amount of their waking lives. It’s important to find purpose and meaning in what you do. Ask yourself: Do I find purpose and meaning in what I’m doing? Do I feel like I’m making a contribution? Do I feel like I’m sharing my greatest gifts? Do I have the opportunity to meet my basic needs? Does this bring me joy or fulfillment in some area of my life? Am I doing a good job? Does this align with my own personal beliefs, values, boundaries and goals? When these answers are no, it may be time to take a break, rejuvenate in some way, reframe your own beliefs and attitudes, or consider seeking new opportunities that meet your needs. 



  • Set a time to think about evaluate your own personal occupational goals, and determine what changes, if any, need to be made
  • Look for other jobs or opportunities. This can help you better examine what you like or don’t like about your current situation
  • Talk to your workplace or organization about new goals or changes you would like to make


When you are experiencing prolonged unhappiness or discontentment in your workplace or projects, it might be time to seek intervention. 




If you have active thoughts or intentions of harming yourself or others: 

  • Dial 911; or
  • Go the nearest hospital emergency room