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Request an In-Person or Live Online Training

Cultural Wellness Trainings are designed to be accessible and inclusive for providers and agencies. Our training programs can be presented in person or live online via Zoom at conferences, agency events and meetings. We’re happy to tailor and customize our presentations to your topics and audiences. Scroll below to learn more about Cultural Wellness Training Instructors and they topics they cover or contact us to request a training for your agency. 

Cultural Wellness Training Instructors

Cultural Wellness Training Instructors utilize their professional and lived experiences to help empower providers, practitioners and policy-makers to connect with their clients and communities. Learn more about and/or connect with our instructors below. If you’re interested in becoming an instructor or partner, please contact us here. 

Michele “Shelly” Acker

Wellness Practitioner, Founder and Board President, I Am Well Foundation

Topic Specialties

  • Whole Person Approach
  • Whole Person Centered Optimal Health & Wellness Model
  • Self-Care for Providers

Contact Shelly Directly 


Julissa Soto

CEO, Public Health Advocate, Health Equity Consultant, Julissa Soto Latino Health Equity Consulting

Topic Specialties

  • Cultural Validation
  • Mono Lingual Spanish-Speaking Communities
  • Immigrant Communities
  • Transcreation

Contact Julissa Directly

Ryan Acker

Human Rights Advocate, Executive Director, All People Thriving

Topic Specialties

  • Cultural Integration: Peer to Peer
  • LGBTQ+ Communities
  • People Living with Mental Illness
  • People Who Have Been Incarcerated
  • People Experiencing Lower Income, Poverty and Homelessness

Contact Ryan Directly

Where We’ve Been

Cultural Wellness Training Programs first launched in Colorado in 2023 reaching more than 867 providers, practitioners and public health and wellness ambassadors in the first 6 months. Here’s a look at just a few of the places we’ve been.

  • Broomfield County Health Department, CO
  • Douglas County Health Department, CO
  • McMeen Elementary School, CO
  • Ashley Elementary School, CO
  • The FNE Community Hub, CO
  • The Catholic Medical Association and Rocky Vista University, CO
  • Public Health & Parks & Recreation Summit, CO
  • Amplifying Youth Voices Summit, CO
  • Denver Department of Public Health and Environment, CO
  • University of Colorado, CO

What Providers Are Saying

“Yes was very useful. Julissa Soto was beneficial for me as a Family Service Worker. Her training was powerful and informative!”

“Julissa Soto was the best presenter I’ve ever experienced! She was real and genuine!”

“Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! This was Amazing and empowering!”

“The training reminded me to be more intentional in connecting with all of our community.”

“The training was one of the best I’ve ever been a part of! Everything mentioned was applicable to my role. Had my attention the entire time.”

“Today was great. Bringing Julissa, she was great because she knows the families and I resonated a lot with her story. Thank you!”

“Training was useful because I work with families of different backgrounds, and it is helpful to learn how to approach families and build bonds.”

“The training was useful in reigniting my passion for serving our families. This training gave me new ideas on how to serve all families as well. Huge thank you😊”

“Cultural Validation- able to better understand strategies and the importance of bias and diverse community.”

“I appreciated his repetition of “safe, welcome, valued, heard” That struck a cord.”

“Ryan did a really fantastic job presenting his story in a powerful way for the audience. I think it was engaging for a large spectrum of folks and felt like he invited folks in.”

“Gah, I really loved this one. My favorite for the day!”

“Your message was inspiring; you had 100% of the room’s attention captured.”