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Our Model

The Whole Person Centered Optimal Health Care Model was created by the “Task Force”, a multi-disciplinary team of health and mental health professionals from across the healing and body, mind spectrum. They set out to introduce a new whole-person centered health care service delivery model that could be used by the entire spectrum of providers. I Am Well Foundation provides education and training to help providers, partitioners and agencies and providers to incorporate the Whole Person Centered Optimal Health & Wellness Model into their work. Contact us today to learn more or request a training, or explore the model online.

Whole Person Centered Optimal Health & Wellness Model Online

Navigate the model starting with the Introduction.


The Whole Person Centered Optimal Health & Wellness Model is endorsed by a wide variety of practitioners, providers and agencies, including multi-disciplinary health, mental health and social service providers. Contact us today to add your name to list of individuals and organizations dedicated to whole person centered optimal health and wellbeing. 

  • All People Thriving
  • Duane T. Bowers, LPC
  • Essential Wellness with Roz
  • Imagine Living Well, LLC
  • Intentional Flow
  • Jordan Francis, Darke County Health Commissioner
  • Sweet Hagatha’s Essential Oils

Cultural Wellness Training Programs Partnership

I Am Well Foundation is pleased to host and be a partner in Cultural Wellness Training Programs with Julissa Soto Latino Health Equity Consulting and All People Thriving. As part of our national efforts to empower America’s health and wellness transformation, Cultural Wellness Training Programs are designed to equip health, public health and mental health providers and practitioners in Colorado with training and tools to serve their communities, eliminate barriers to care, and improve health outcomes and opportunities for optimal health and wellness. The mission is to enable providers and practitioners to empower their clients to reach their own unique optimal health and wellness by respecting and valuing what makes each person unique. Get online training or request in-person training at